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英検1級 ボキャブラリー 1.1
NX2 IT Solutions
This app is for people preparing for EIKEN Grade 1 exam in Japan.The app has 2 sections.1. Multiple Choice questionsPractice - 200 multiple choice practice vocabulary questions.Test - 25 randomly picked questions for self-evaluation.(Note: The free version has only 10 questions for trial. You canupgrade to 300 questions via in-app purchases)2. VocabularyList - Japanese meaning of up to 800 vocabulary words used in theMultiple Choice Questions.Test - Multiple choice questions to select the Japanese meaning ofrandomly chosen English vocabulary words(Note: The free version has only 40 vocabulary words for trial. Youcan upgrade to up to 800 vocabulary words via in-app purchases)This should help you to practice anytime and anywhere. Wish youGood Luck!
センター試験 英語リスニング1(2008年−2010年) 1.0.1
大学入試センター試験 英語 リスニング 2008年から2010年までの過去問3年間分(2011年から2013年はリスニング2に入っています。)を、全ての英語放送内容(スクリプト)、日本語訳と選択肢の訳を加えて学習できるよう作成しました。テスト機能では、スコアが記録できます。スクリプトを見ながら練習してスコアを上げましょう。履歴が残りますので、進歩が確認できます。希望校、合格応援しています!Choice of Englishbroadcast content of all (script), and Japanese translation, threeyears past questions to 2010-2008 National Center Test forUniversity Admissions English listening (2013 to 2011 is. Comes inlistening 2) It was created so that you can learn by the additionof translation.The test function, score will be recorded.Let me give you a score to practice while looking at the script.Because history will remain, I can confirm the progress.Hope school, I have passed support!
英検4級 ボキャブラリー 1.0
NX2 IT Solutions
This app is for people preparing for EIKENGrade 4 exam in Japan.The app has 2 sections.1. Multiple Choice questionsPractice - 100 multiple choice practice vocabulary questions.Test - 15 randomly picked questions with a timer forself-evaluation.(Note: The free version has only 10 questions for trial. You canupgrade to 100 questions via in-app purchases)2. VocabularyList - Japanese meaning of up to 500 vocabulary words used in theMultiple Choice Questions.Test - Multiple choice questions to select the Japanese meaning ofrandomly chosen English vocabulary words(Note: The free version has only 40 vocabulary words for trial. Youcan upgrade to up to 500 vocabulary words via in-app purchases)This should help you to practice anytime and anywhere. Wish youGood Luck!
英検2級 ボキャブラリー 1.0
NX2 IT Solutions
This app is for people preparing for EIKENGrade 2 exam in Japan.The app has 2 sections.1. Multiple Choice questionsPractice - 300 multiple choice practice vocabulary questions.Test - 20 randomly picked questions for self-evaluation.(Note: The free version has only 10 questions for trial. You canupgrade to 300 questions via in-app purchases)2. VocabularyList - Japanese meaning of up to 900 vocabulary words used in theMultiple Choice Questions.Test - Multiple choice questions to select the Japanese meaning ofrandomly chosen English vocabulary words(Note: The free version has only 40 vocabulary words for trial. Youcan upgrade to up to 900 vocabulary words via in-app purchases)This should help you to practice anytime and anywhere. Wish youGood Luck!
英検準1級 ボキャブラリー 1.1
NX2 IT Solutions
This app is for people preparing for EIKENGrade Pre 1 exam in Japan.The app has 2 sections.1. Multiple Choice questionsPractice - 300 multiple choice practice vocabulary questions.Test - 25 randomly picked questions with a timer forself-evaluation.(Note: The free version has only 10 questions for trial. You canupgrade to 300 questions via in-app purchases)2. VocabularyList - Japanese meaning of up to 1200 vocabulary words used in theMultiple Choice Questions.Test - Multiple choice questions to select the Japanese meaning ofrandomly chosen English vocabulary words(Note: The free version has only 40 vocabulary words for trial. Youcan upgrade to up to 1200 vocabulary words via in-apppurchases)This should help you to practice anytime and anywhere. Wish youGood Luck!
英検準2級 ボキャブラリー 1.0
NX2 IT Solutions
This app is for people preparing for EIKENGrade Pre 2 exam in Japan.The app has 2 sections.1. Multiple Choice questionsPractice - 200 multiple choice practice vocabulary questions.Test - 20 randomly picked questions for self-evaluation.(Note: The free version has only 10 questions for trial. You canupgrade to 200 questions via in-app purchases)2. VocabularyList - Japanese meaning of up to 600 vocabulary words used in theMultiple Choice Questions.Test - Multiple choice questions to select the Japanese meaning ofrandomly chosen English vocabulary words(Note: The free version has only 40 vocabulary words for trial. Youcan upgrade to up to 600 vocabulary words via in-app purchases)This should help you to practice anytime and anywhere. Wish youGood Luck!
Fractions for Kids. 1.0
Just like learning on paper, a great app forkids between ages 9 - 13 to learn and master the basic mathoperations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and divisionusing fractions in a step by step manner.Includes calculating LCM in a step by step manner for additionand subtraction and simplifying fractions by crossing outnumerators and denominators.There are multiple levels and each level generates an unlimitednumber of questions.** There are absolutely no advertisements or in-app purchases inthis app **
センター試験 英語リスニング3(2014年) 1.0
「大学入試センター試験 英語 リスニング 2014年度」の過去問を、全ての英語放送内容(スクリプト)、日本語訳と選択肢の訳を加えて学習できるよう作成しました。テスト機能では、スコアが記録できます。スクリプトを見ながら英語を聴いて、目と耳で練習してスコアを上げましょう。履歴が残りますので、進歩が確認できます。2008年から2010年の過去問は、「大学入試センター試験 英語リスニング1」アプリ、2011年から2013年の過去問は、「大学入試センター試験 英語リスニング2」アプリに搭載されています。希望校、合格応援しています!You have created so thatyou can learn by adding English translation of choice of allbroadcast content (script), and the Japanese translation, past thequestion of "National Center Test for University Admissions EnglishListening 2014".The test function, the score will be recorded.Listening to English by watching the script, let's raise the scoreto practice in the eyes and ears. History will remain, I can seethe progress.The past questions from 2008 to 2010, the last question of 2013,"National Center Test for University Admissions English listening1" application, from 2011, has been installed in the "NationalCenter Test for University Admissions English listening 2" app.Hope school, I have passed support!
英検5級 リスニング - Part 2 1.0
「英検5級リスニング」のレベル向上を目指して問題を作成しました。ロンドンとニューヨーク育ちのネイティブの子供たち7人が、スピーキングに参加しています。全ての問題に、英文と日本語訳がついていて「英検」と同じ3部構成で、学習しやすくなっています。テスト3回分を搭載、「英検5級リスニングpart1」には、テスト2回分が搭載されています。テスト機能では、苦手な問題には、マークが付きスコアーが出るので、リスニングの進歩が分かります。「英検5級ボキャブラリー」アプリも学習にお役立てください。合格応援しています!Good-Luck !You have created aproblem with the aim of improving the level of "Eiken Grade 5listening". Seven children of native grew up in New York andLondon, has participated in speaking.To all problems, in three-part the same as the "Eiken" Japanesetranslation English and sticks, I make it easier to learn.It is equipped with a three minute test, the "part1 Eiken Grade5 listening", double dose test is equipped with.The test function, the weak problem, score also auto mark is,advances in listening you can see. Please help us to study also "Eiken Grade 5 vocabulary" app.Has passed support! Good-Luck!
英検3級 ボキャブラリー 1.1
NX2 IT Solutions
This app is for people preparing for EIKENGrade 3 exam in Japan.The app has 2 sections.1. Multiple Choice questionsPractice - 200 multiple choice practice vocabulary questions.Test - 15 randomly picked questions for self-evaluation.(Note: The free version has only 10 questions for trial. You canupgrade to 200 questions via in-app purchases)2. VocabularyList - Japanese meaning of up to 800 vocabulary words used in theMultiple Choice Questions.Test - Multiple choice questions to select the Japanese meaning ofrandomly chosen English vocabulary words(Note: The free version has only 40 vocabulary words for trial. Youcan upgrade to up to 800 vocabulary words via in-app purchases)This should help you to practice anytime and anywhere. Wish youGood Luck!
英検5級 リスニング - Part 1 1.0
「英検5級リスニング」のレベル向上を目指して問題を作成しました。ロンドンとニューヨーク育ちのネイティブの子供たち7人が、スピーキングに参加しています。全ての問題に、英文と日本語訳がついていて「英検」と同じ3部構成で、学習しやすくなっています。テスト2回分を搭載、「英検5級リスニングpart2」には、テスト3回分が搭載されています。テスト機能では、苦手な問題には、マークが付きスコアーが出るので、リスニングの進歩が分かります。「英検5級ボキャブラリー」アプリも学習にお役立てください。合格応援しています!Good-Luck !You have created aproblem with the aim of improving the level of "Eiken Grade 5listening". Seven children of native grew up in New York andLondon, has participated in speaking.To all problems, in three-part the same as the "Eiken" Japanesetranslation English and sticks, I make it easier to learn.It is equipped with a double dose test, the "part2 Eiken Grade 5listening", 3 doses at test is equipped with.The test function, the weak problem, score also auto mark is,advances in listening you can see. Please help us to study also "Eiken Grade 5 vocabulary" app.Has passed support! Good-Luck!
MushiKui Math Puzzles for Kids 1.0
MushiKui is a Japanese word whichliterallymeans “eaten by bugs”. The bugss have eaten parts ofsolvedarithmetic problems, thus resulting in math puzzles. Thesepuzzlesare very popular in Japan amongst the primary/elementaryschoolkidsThe objective of this app is to restore the parts ofthearithmetic problems that have been eaten by the cute bugs.This app stimulates and helps to improve the reasoning abilitytoidentify the right numbers and solve the puzzle.Has three levels of difficulty and presents an unlimitednumberof combinations. To set achievable targets to kids, medalsareawarded for solving 25, 50 and 100 puzzles for each operationinevery level
センター試験 英語リスニング2(2011年ー2013年) 1.0
大学入試センター試験 英語 リスニング 2011年から2013年までの過去問3年間分(2008年から2010年はリスニング1に入っています。)を、全ての英語放送内容(スクリプト)、日本語訳と選択肢の訳を加えて学習できるよう作成しました。テスト機能では、スコアが記録できます。スクリプトを見ながら練習してスコアを上げましょう。履歴が残りますので、進歩が確認できます。希望校、合格応援しています!Choice ofEnglishbroadcast content of all (script), and Japanese translation,the (.Comes in listening 1 2010-2008) three years past questionsto2013-2011 National Center Test for University AdmissionsEnglishlistening It was created so that you can learn by theaddition oftranslation.The test function, score will be recorded.Let me give you a score to practice while looking at thescript.Because history will remain, I can confirm the progress.Hope school, I have passed support!
英検5級 ボキャブラリー 1.0
NX2 IT Solutions
This app is for people preparing forEIKENGrade 5 exam in Japan.The app has 2 sections.1. Multiple Choice questionsPractice - 100 multiple choice practice vocabulary questions.Test - 15 randomly picked questions with a timerforself-evaluation.(Note: The free version has only 10 questions for trial. Youcanupgrade to 100 questions via in-app purchases)2. VocabularyList - Japanese meaning of over 400 vocabulary words used intheMultiple Choice Questions.Test - Multiple choice questions to select the Japanese meaningofrandomly chosen English vocabulary words(Note: The free version has only 40 vocabulary words for trial.Youcan upgrade to up to 400 vocabulary words via in-apppurchases)This should help you to practice anytime and anywhere. Wish youGoodLuck!